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How to bring traffic to your blog

Upon setting up your blog and having a great content, in most part, content is the king. However, if you don’t know how to drive traffic to your site, your site looks dead and discourages you to make a new post. So, here are some tips to drive traffic to your blog.

Social networking:
Social networking is an excellent way to bring traffic to your site (i.e. facebook, myspace...). Every time you update your profile or send a message to your friends. Other friends will notice it and check your profile. If you have a link on your profile, they may visit your blogs. The more friends you have, the better traffic for your blog.

Take time to comment on other blogs which cover the same topic. Make sure to leave a link to your blog which can bring you traffic and backlinks.

You can also exchange your link with other blogger to get more traffic and backlink. This is an excellent way to get backlink.

Create free articles and post them on some article directories such as ezinearticles.com to bring more traffic and backlinks to your site, make sure to include your link in those articles.

Participating in forums and put your links in your signature. I am sure you will get a lot of visitors by doing this.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Once you have created your blog, you have to submit it to google, yahoo and other big search engine to ensure that your site get noticed by them. You don’t have to submit many times, one is enough.

Make sure to update your content regularly, the more posts you have, the more page of your site are in the search engine. You get more visitors.

You may create meta and description tag for your blog. Nowadays, google and many major search engines do not weight much on it or not at all. However, I still suggest you to have them.

Adding a feed to your site, so people can subscribe, whenever you make a new post on your blog, they will get notice and return to your site.

There are many more ways to bring traffic to your blog, I will post more about it in the next post

© 4/16/2009 05:39:00 PM www.blogsmonetize.com
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Zamir said...

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Anok Imchen said...

Have you put description and keyword tag in your vblogspot blog? How to do it? I can put description tag using the page title. I want to put keyword tag using labels but i cant find a way...do u knw how to do it?

Kent Mkinney said...

make more money
, blogging is a good way. People introduce different schemes to increase the traffic to their blog. When traffic to the blog is increased, the blog becomes familiar in the online arena. Quite interesting!!

George Webster said...

Hi, I have been applying the social media method you mentioned...However, I'd like to know what type of blog feed you use. I've heard that Feedburner is the best but honestly, I am quite confused with this whole thing anyway. Does anyone know of any site or video/pdf on how to effectively use an RSS feed..Also, my traffic is coming but it is slow and steady...I would love more people at my blog: http://www.Universal-Blog.com Anybody else have any "white hat" legitimate, legal methods to get more traffic FAST?

Thanks in advance,


lee said...

will i get anywhere blogging i have been blogging for two weeks now and got two visitors. If i post new articles often will i get more visits or if the articles are long with good titles any advice will be greatly appreciated thanks.

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Anonymous said...

Very interesting, i have found this information useful...

Thank you

Rensta @ Earn Extra Money

Shiro said...

@George Webster: I am using Feedburner. To use a RSS feed, you just have to follow their instructions to set up your feed link. Then put the feed link on your site.
@lee: People love to see the new contents, so updating your website often is a good way to gain more visitors. Good title also help as well.

jasa seo said...

A great site and a wonderful blog posting! Appreciate very much if you could tell me how to subscribe to your blog?

M.Shaalan said...

Excellent post that summarizes the main traffic generation tools.

Shiro said...

Thanks. You can subscribe to this blog by clicking on this link

smithkline said...

Lots of ways are there to bring the traffic to your blog. You can make the use of the social site, the hyperlink can also be used. I also am using these facilities for the promotion of my business of

pvn said...

Good one to read after reading many useless posts in many websites. fresh and fine-your posts

Traffic said...

An interesting article about getting traffic. Surprisingly many people still hardly use any feed which is vital for success.

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