This is a great new. Today, I logged-in my AdSense account, and I noticed a new type of AdSense ads which allows us to put Adsense ads on unused domains. That is AdSense for domain. This new kind of AdSense ads is for all publishers who own domains which are not developed yet. Previously, we had to use other advertiser companies for our unused domains. We earned a minuscule of earning. That time is over. Now, we can use Adsense ads on those domains. As a result, we can earn much more.
Although this opportunity does not make a domain owner becomes rich, it still generates better revenues than other publisher companies. Most of the advertisers on the internet are using Adword. They have a lot of competitors. Thus they pay more than any other companies.
In order to use this program, first, you have to set up your domain point to your domains to Google's servers. You can refer to this guide to see how to set up your domain regarding to your domain registrar. Then, go to your account, under Adsense Setup tab, choose AdSense for Domains to setup your ads.
Please be aware that AdSense for domains is currently available to publishers located in North America with English-language accounts.
Overall, this is a good way of making extra money by using AdSense for domain with unused domain, which we currently do not have time to develop yet. Instead of getting nothing, we can generate some extra revenues with AdSense for domain.
Get Extra Revenue with AdSense for Domains
Posted by
1/02/2009 04:01:00 AM
Advertising Network
Affliate Marketing
Google Adsense
Make Money Online

© 1/02/2009 04:01:00 AM
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1/02/2009 04:01:00 AM
hey i have added you to my blogroll hope you will add me too
Thanks for linking to this blog. What is your blog url? Also, please go to this post when talking about exchange link
Thanks for the info. I have some unused domains and this post will come in handy!
There is another method I discovered for blog owners to earn money with their blogs. I have written an article about this:
Get paid for blogging
Pay per post - earn money blogging online
thanks for sharing information
Well, this post is a old one...
Are u still using Google adsense for domains (AFD) ? Whats is their average CPC ? And the minimum number of domains accepted?
I'd appreciate if u write most post of current CPC of AFD
I'm not using Google Adsense for domains now. Thanks for suggestion, I'll look at it and make a post about it later.
thanks and any other alternative of adsense domain
and check my site Link2HOw
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